Ruaha River Lodge

Ruaha river lodge, Iringa, Iringa Region, Southern Highlands Zone, Tanzania – Show more hotels in Ruaha National Park

Location: Ruaha National Park, Tanzania


Ruaha National Park, was recently expanded by the incorporation of the adjacent wildlife reserves to become the largest National Park in Tanzania. Ruaha lies in the convergence zone where northern and southern hemisphere birds and mammal species overlap. This results in an overwhelming number of birds (530 recorded) plants (1400) and a correspondingly large number of mammal species. Set on one of the most stunning stretches of the Great Ruaha River, the game is seen throughout the day from the comfort of your veranda; only a few other camps are perfectly situated. Ruaha River Lodge is accessible by air – Safari Air link at Msembe airstrip This Lodge is split across two locations, with one dining Banda along the river, and the other perched high on a nearby kopje, offering a completely different perspective. Built around natural Kopjes out of local stone and thatch, and capitalizing on its exceptional position on a bend in the River. Ruaha River lodge is the only ‘lodge’ in the Ruaha, consisting of 24 stone chalets stretched along the river bank. Each has a large bathroom decorated with found timber, an ensuite shower, double basins, either twin or double beds, a writing desk, a sitting area, large veranda with a stunning view. The first dining area is a long Banda by the side of the River, having breakfast makes it a perfect time to watch the game, The second area is imperiously- positioned atop the largest kopje in the area, situated on a bend, and enjoys commanding views down two sections of the river, the best sundowner spot in Ruaha. Children aged 5 years and over are welcome, and access for disabled persons is available. Evenings can be spent around the fire pit, looking down the river, or curled up in one of the sofas with a drink and a book. This Park has a large diversity of species boasting both the Greater and Lesser Kudu; the striped and spotted hyena as well as Roan and Sable antelope. The lion population is now so large that they have gained film rights for their prowess at hunting Giraffe, which is not their traditional fare.

Uniqueness of this Camp

  • In the dry seasons, you need not leave the camp to see good quantities of game, as they concentrate along the river to drink.
  • Ruaha River lodge is the only ‘lodge’ in the Ruaha, consisting of 24 stone chalets stretched along the river bank.


24 stone chalets stretched along the river bank, Comfortable, large, double beds, spacious deck to relax and spectate the wildlife action in front, en-suite bathroom with solar-heated running water, lockable safe for valuables, Battery charging facilities, Complimentary laundry service.


Room Amenities: Double beds, spacious deck to relax, en-suite bathroom with solar-heated running water, lockable safe for valuables, Battery charging facilities, Complimentary laundry service. Camp Amenities: 2 dining areas, Solar Water Heaters have been installed for each room, and Solar energy and generators to provide power to the camp, Maasai guides- to escort you to and from all areas, Complimentary drinking water, Bar, accept Visa and MasterCard which are subject to a 5% surcharge, Complimentary laundry service, Please do not smoke in the rooms.


Guiding walks- Camp staff honing their knowledge of Ruaha National Park, Game viewing drives led by a trained, experienced English-speaking guide, Private dinners on your veranda, bush breakfasts, or a sundowner on the banks of the river, Fly camping in Ruaha.